Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How deep is your friendship?

A couple of weeks ago I conducted a Debate of the Day in which the question was "Would you risk your friendship to tell your friend you were attracted to them?"

The debate of the day was a play off of the previous debate in which the question was can friends of opposite sexes really be just friends.  A lot of people believed that they could but then I began to wonder what if one of the friends begin to catch feelings and become attracted to the other friend.  So I placed a debate out there of would you risk your friendship in order to tell that person that you were attracted to them.  Majority felt that they didn't want to take the risk and when I sat down and thought about it I realized that if that friendship meant that much to me I wouldn't take the risk not unless it was signs that seemed that the feelings were mutual.

But on the other I had a couple of people that stated that they have taken that step with their friends and that the relationship was fun, while it lasted.  Key words being while it lasted and now they aren't as close as they used to be.  But then on the other hand I have 2 friends, who we were all friends hung out and were all cool, and one day the male friend decided to tell my other friend, in which they were best friends before, that he wanted things to be more.  Now they are happily married and have started a family.  So then with that I'm torn because what if you take that jump and things don't work out and you all aren't as close as you used to be, but then what if you decide not to take that jump you may be missing out on the person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with.

Would you take that risk?

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