Sunday, August 19, 2012

'Til Death Do Us Part

Recently on Facebook I asked are the vows of marriage a joke these days and it shocked me at the number of people that liked my status.  For some reason I felt that I was the only person that had that feeling about the vows of marriage but it seems that there are others that are thinking the same thing as I am.

Working in the wedding industry it is a surprise how many people that I see that are on their second, third, fourth marriage and it doesn't seem to bother them.  I've even crossed paths with individuals that joke about finding their second, third, and fourth husband as if they're already planning to divorce their current husband and just moving on. What happened to til death do us part, for better or worse, through sickness and in health. So many people these days seem to be using divorce as an escape goat to not work out the problems with their spouse, when things get hard they run and file divorce.  Or is it that they never really loved that person enough in the first place to even take on the vows of marriage.  Another thing I see are individuals that are getting married because they are pregnant.  Yes things happen, and it's good that you all are trying to stay together for the kid(s), but if you are not nearly in love with that person to take the vows of marriage serious you are, in my eyes, only creating a dysfunctional situation to raise your children in.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no expert on love and marriage. Heck I've had my heart broken several times as have we all.  But what I do know is that when younger girls are going around saying I can't wait to get married not I can't wait to fall in love or I can't wait to find that special someone, something is wrong with that.  The image of the "wedding" has become an image that seems to be the only thing that young girls are chasing these days.  No longer are they chasing love but that perfect wedding gown and the "perfect" wedding not knowing what really comes along with being married.  The wedding will only last for a couple a hours but your marriage, your marriage is supposed to last a lifetime.  But now there are so many people that are divorced within the first five years, not willing to work it out.

Now on to the gentleman it bothers me when guys are consistently cheating while they are married, not to say that women don't cheat either.  But why enter the vows of marriage if you are not truly ready to settle down.  I had a gentleman approach me, very nice guy but he openly admitted to me that although he was married that he cheats on his wife all the time.  Now things in life do happen, things that we may in turn regret, but to consistently cheat is not a mistake not a slip up.  Sir why are you married?  Were those vows you took a joke to you?  Because cheating on your wife over and over are sign that either you're not truly happy or you just don't care about your wife and her feelings.

I see it too many times that so many people are out chasing a wedding ring and end up in a situation that they are not happy in.  People rush into marriage, date for maybe 3 months and then are ready to get hitched.  Something about that isn't right.  Yes in the end we all want to get married, we all want to spend the rest of our life with that special someone but rushing into marriage, settling with someone just because you want to get married is not a good thing.  Had a client that was married divorced and remarried all within a year time frame all because she rushed into marriage the first time. Something about that picture is not right.

And granted there are some things that happen that are beyond our control but if you didn't even attempt to make things work if you felt that in the end it wasn't worth fighting for without attempting was the vows real to you.  Some people will fight to the end to save their marriage and that is what vows are about and some will just be like oh well who cares. If you've done all that you can, tried over and over and it still doesn't work that's different but to just up and walk away is not cool.

Ladies and Gents I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way about marriage, about how it seems that people are taking these vows as a joke but if I am that's cool but there has got to be someone out there that is sitting back shaking their head just as I am at the divorce rate these days.

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