Saturday, January 10, 2015

Do You Still Believe in Love?

Do you still believe in love?

I have never been the lovey dovey type, the girl that has had her wedding planned since the age of 3.  Okay the age of 3 may be a little dramatic, but working in the wedding industry there are seriously some ladies that have been planning their "dream wedding" since they could utter the words I Love You!  But hey, that's not me.  I've had my fair share of heartbreak, and it seems like more heartbreak than love, but the only thing that keeps me from saying that I have given up on love is because the Bible states that God is love, and I will never give up on God because He would never give up on me.  But to say that I had given up on the fairy tale ending is how I would put my take on love.  My mother was always my life line, that one love that made the blow from another heartbreak seem less fatal.  They say you can die from a broken heart, I just hope and pray that my demise is not due to a broken heart.  But you know what's amazing, how you can have such negative experiences with relationships and love and yet still have hope in love.  What's truly amazing is how an individual can come into your life unexpectedly and change your outlook on life.