Tuesday, October 6, 2015

America's First What?

Cosmopolitan November
2015 Cover
I am not one that goes around looking at magazines, I'm a books type of girl. As a matter of fact the only magazines that are in my house are Vogue and bridal magazines for work purposes. So when I was on all my social media pages today I was taken aback by the current cover of Cosmopolitan.  Hey I get it covers sells magazines and therefore capitalizing on the Karadashians who are willing to sell every part of their body for a quick buck and are currently what everyone seems to want to talk about except for real life issues, I get it. From a business stand point you capitalize on what seems to be hot at the time, but Cosmopolitan here is where you screwed up, calling the Kardashians America's First Family. I'm sorry but I will never refer to the Kardashians as my country's first family. And the message of disrespect you are sending to the actual First family of the United States of America, which would happen to be the family that is currently occupying the White House.
First of all what kind of message are you sending about our country by even making the obscene statement about this family. That as Americans we will do anything for attention. This family, I'm not judging what they decide to do to make money is there business, but has literally gained fame off of all negative circumstances, their father being the attorney in the intense OJ Simpson murder trial, the whole family riding the coat tail to fame of the sister who made a sextape that was "leaked", their jump from man to man, fake marriages and more.  I normally don't speak of this family because I refuse to give them attention that they don't deserve but when a magazine generalizes me into a category when they speak of America, the America that I reside in, I must speak up on my behalf, and myself and from the looks of my social media timelines describing this family as our country's first family is an insult. I don't know maybe it's just me that would wish they would disappear already, that wishes that we would shift our attention to ladies that are actually making a difference in the world, the ladies that go out and actually do work on a daily basis, ladies that are fighting their way to the top based off of the work they are doing and not the men they have slept with. I don't know, maybe that's just me but dear Cosmopolitan next time you decide to speak on behalf of America please be sure that is something that America believes in. I mean for real who the heck is referring to them as America's First Family, whoever is is just as lost in this world as they are.

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