Friday, October 2, 2015

Is Romance Dead?

Lately I have been seeing a lot of post on various social media sites about the struggles of dating, how some people's view points on what on considers a good date or not a good date is acceptable or unacceptable, which led to my question of "Is Romance Dead?"
My guy friend and I were having a discussion about what would be considered an appropriate date, and me being the extra creative person that I am, I felt that a movie date just wouldn't cut it. Movie dates in my mind are something you do once you're comfortable, there's no thought process behind it, there's nothing special in saying "Hey, tonight we're going to the movies."

Yeah that was cool back in high school when one, you really didn't know much about the opposite sex and you really couldn't do much without your parents breathing down your neck.  But as an adult is going to the movies simply enough to keep the spark going or get the spark budding in a relationship.  It seems to become systematic and robotic, well it's date night guess we will just go to the movies AGAIN.  Once I sat and thought about it, I thought to myself is this all really the case or have we been brainwashed when it comes to dating with an unrealistic view of romance.  Who's to say that going to the movies is not romantic to some but then I guess it also depends on how much time you've spent to get to know your partner, to know what makes them tick, what would get their blood flowing for you and only you.  When I looked up the definition of romance it is defined as a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.  So what it comes down to is getting to know your partner in order to plan that perfect romantic date.  What works for me may not work for you, we are all uniquely different, so what get me excited may not get you excited.  A lot of times the issue of money always come up, the question of what if your partner doesn't have a lot of money for an extravagant date, but then again extravagance does not equal romance either.  Some of the best dates are when your creative juices start flowing in order to make your partner, your one and only feel special.  It's the thought that counts, the fact that you thought of them more than usual to make them feel special.  But it makes me wonder, is courtship and romance dead?  It seems that in the social media age relationships and dating have all become a thing for show, a thing for likes instead of true romance.  What do you think, is romance dead?

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