Friday, January 27, 2012

Just Friends or More Than Friends

Today a struck up an interesting debate on twitter, topic being "Is It Possible For Males and Females to be just friends?"  The response I got was split with some saying yeah they can butttttt there's some stipulations to the friendship.

So the question for my Debate of the Day on twitter and facebook arose after seeing quite often that people felt that there is no way possible that a male and a female are able to be close friends without something eventually happening sexually.  The answers that I received were interesting and some were hilarious.  A lot of people feel that it is possible that a male and a female have the ability to have a platonic friendship.

Just as the question popped into my head I was watching an old show by the name of Eve starring the rapper Eve in which one of the characters were joking with two of his friends, a male and a female, saying that it was impossible for the two to just hang and be friends after they had planned on seeing a movie and having dinner.  And guess what happened the two ended up getting involved with each other just as majority of people believe with any male and female that are hanging together as friends.

Personally I myself believe that it is possible seeing as my best friend is a male and we have been friends since the age of 5.  I also have another friend whom is the same way one of her best friends is a male and they have been friends for years now and nothing has happened.  So as a lot of people were responding yes it is possible it made me think and wonder to what extent are they thinking about the friendship, were they thinking about them hanging like one on one like two friends of the same sex would do or in a group setting.

On the other hand I received statements saying that its not possible, that one friend had to be unattractive in order for that to work (LOL).  It was brought to my attention through a male's perspective that no male enters into a friendship with a female without the intention to just be friends and if they develop a friendship down the line that was not originally the intention of a male -_-

But hey who knows everyone handles friendships differently than others. In my opinion it all depends on the maturity and self control of the individuals in the friendship and if it is out there this is strictly just  a friendship then neither individual should break the bond of friendship and cross the line.  But then you start to wonder what if down the line you become attracted to your friend?  hmmmm

What do you think, can a male and female be just friends?

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