Sunday, January 29, 2012

Life's Angels: Roxie

Yesterday I met an older lady that really touched my heart, so in meeting her I decided I would a segment for Life: The Rollercoaster entitled Life's Angels for those individuals that meet along this rollercoaster of life that touch my heart in one or another.

Meet Ms. Roxie...

Ms. Roxie was out with her two daughters to help them shop for wedding gowns, yes both of her daughters are getting married and are actually having a double wedding.  While talking to her I realized that her eyes began to water and she said excuse me for just a second I've been doing this all day.  Ms. Roxie went on to tell me that this time last year she went into respiratory failure and the doctors and everyone had basically counted her out and thought she wouldn't make it through.  She stated that she was lucky to be alive today and she was just happy that she was able to make it through that rough time and to see her daughters get married next month was a blessing.  She went on to say that God is amazing and she's just so thankful for life.

In that moment I began to get teary eyed myself and went to hug her because what she didn't know is that her story touched me and made me realize a lot of things.  So many times we go through life in a rush just trying to make it day to day.  A lot of people complain about the smallest things, not having love, not having money, not having this that or the other (all materialistic things).  But what we fail to realize is that yes maybe times get hard but you should never complain because you are alive to take another breathe.  To have the ability to talk, walk, see, hear are all things that those who have the ability to do all should give you enough reasons to be thankful.  It always seem that the ones who have it all are the ones that complain the most, and yes I am guilty of complaining but in yesterday's meeting of Ms. Roxie I realized that what do I have to complain about, I'm alive with a roof over my head and food to eat, I really shouldn't sweat the small things because in all reality I don't know if I will be here tomorrow to joy it all.   So with that being said let us all just continue to enjoy life and not complain about, so I'll be sitting poolside thinking and being thankful for the view of LIFE that I do have.

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