Sunday, November 2, 2014

Journey of Life

On November 2, 2007, I sat on the front pew of Greater Bellevue Baptist Church and the only words I remember hearing is "Brittney stay strong" whispered in my ear by my mother as Bentley asked did anyone want to view my mother's body for the last time before they closed the casket. Panic then set in and my whole life flashed before my eyes. I still feel that a major part of me, that I will never get back was also buried 6 feet deep at Cherry Blossom on the 2nd of November. 

Since that day life has been a journey, major ups and major downs, but I continue to hold on to those words "Brittney stay strong, they need you". An associate of mine recently pointed out on a post on my Instagram page, "Always wanted to know how you lived through that.. Even in college I never had enough guts to ask."

An angel on earth was buried that day along with part of Brittney but that angel still is with me every day of my life. God has placed some amazing people in my life that without them I would not be able to survive on a daily basis since that day. To my aunt Dana, I love you so much, God has placed your amazing spirit in my life for a reason, on those days where I don't feel like moving or getting out of bed, I want to just lay there and stare at the wall, your strength to call me, it never fails, each and every time and just simply say I was just checking on you, don't worry I'm missing her today too. Aunts are true angels from God and I thank each one of them oh so much for being there for me unconditionally. To all of my friends that are more like family I thank you because without you I would have lost my mind a long time ago. 

For whoever said that time heals all wounds I just want you to know that you lied when you said that statement. Time definitely does not heal all wounds you just eventually learn how to cover a hole that will never close and just deal with it. This journey in life has taught me a lot about myself, when I thought I wasn't strong I found strength, when I felt like giving up I found the courage to fight on, and in some ways I see ways of my mother in myself. As I continue to fight through this journey called life I thank God for the love that has been shown to me on a daily basis. Sometimes I sit and wonder will I ever be able to move on from this but then I realize there's no need to move on from something that had shaped you in life, you learn from it, thank God for it and remember that everything is preordained by God through His will. So as I sit and reflect on this day, I just want to thank God for all the amazing people in life, the good times and bad, and the unconditional love.  Thanks to all that have been there for me on this journey, that continue to be there for me, and those that have yet to cross my path that will be there for me in this journey of life.

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