Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Suit & Tie

So I have been saying to Justin Timberlake and Jamie Foxx for forever now that I need them to make a new album.  Well one of them has finally listened to me, Mr. Timberlake himself.  Justin Timberlake recently dropped a video called the countdown in which he talks about him getting back in the studio to record and Monday he took the iHeart Radio stations and the internet by storm when he dropped the world premiere of his first single featuring Jay-Z entitled "Suit & Tie".  I'm really anxious to here his album once it drops.  What do you think, are feeling Suit & Tie?

 Click to hear Justin's new single "Suit & Tie"

Life's Angels: Sally

Today I met the grandmother of one of my customers and boy was she funny.  She stated that her granddaughter was upset with her because she didn't go with her to try on wedding dresses on Sunday because she was busy watching the Falcons game. (Yes she chose the Falcons game over her grandmother trying on wedding gowns lol).  She was a very outspoken individual and she talked about how she was depressed because she thought the Falcons were going to lose and how sad she is that this is Tony Gonzalez last year.

Well after going on and on about the Falcons she went on to say that her granddaughter is always telling her that she talks too much and embarrasses her.  But having a near death experience two months ago she said that it put a perspective on her life, that life is entirely too short to worry about everybody thinks about you or to worry about the little things in life.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good Bye 2012, Hello 2013

2012 was definitely a year filled with ups and downs and though it seems like I had more downs than ups, the magnitude of the ups definitely outweighs the pits of my downs.  This year marked the five year anniversary of the passing of my mother, and we all know that I'm not a very emotional person but boy did this effect me.

This year marked some major points in my life.  I realized that in more ways than one I was living my life for others and not the two most important people, God and myself.  I found myself this year and I came to the realization of the path I want to take in my life (and no it has absolutely nothing to do with science LOL).  I guess I can throw that BS in Biology out of the window *sigh*.