Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Life's Angels: Sally

Today I met the grandmother of one of my customers and boy was she funny.  She stated that her granddaughter was upset with her because she didn't go with her to try on wedding dresses on Sunday because she was busy watching the Falcons game. (Yes she chose the Falcons game over her grandmother trying on wedding gowns lol).  She was a very outspoken individual and she talked about how she was depressed because she thought the Falcons were going to lose and how sad she is that this is Tony Gonzalez last year.

Well after going on and on about the Falcons she went on to say that her granddaughter is always telling her that she talks too much and embarrasses her.  But having a near death experience two months ago she said that it put a perspective on her life, that life is entirely too short to worry about everybody thinks about you or to worry about the little things in life.
Sally stated that she had brain tumors and had to undergo major surgery.  She said that she came close to the big call, but she didn't see a white light at the end of the tunnel so maybe she's going to the wrong place (her words not mine lol).  Ms. Sally was down right hilarious and it made me think about so many things in life.  We spend so much time putting on a persona for everyone around us to approve of instead of living our life the way we want to.  So many times we worry about the small things when we should be enjoying life not knowing exactly when our last day.  I hope that the Falcons at least makes it to the Super Bowl for Ms. Sally I'm sure it will make her year especially if they win this year.

Sit back and enjoy the time we have because we never know when our time will come.

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