Friday, September 2, 2016

Good-Bye August, Hello September

August has always been a rough month for me.  It's the month that the amazing woman of God, my mother Pamela Denise Lott was born, as well as the month that same amazing woman of God and my wonderful father, Timothy Lott, Sr., became one before God, family and friends.  So for years now August has been a reminder that my mother is no longer physically with me.  August decided to stick with the trend of being a rough month this year as well.  From day 1, August 1, 2016, the month has been rough, starting with losing my grandmother on the 1st of the month, to my grandfather being placed in the hospital, to the reminders from Facebook of those I have lost in the past in the month of August, which include my uncle in 2015 and two former classmates, one in which that had been a part of life since the age 7, in 2013.  August was beyond rough this year but I stand strong knowing that what seems absolutely horrible now, and I know the hurt of the loss will always be there, but God will turn things around for good.  These hurts, these pains, God can use to strengthen me even more and use them to help build me for the glorification of His kingdom.  I stand here saying good-bye August, good-bye to what was bad, good-bye to the sadness and saying hello to September, hello to the greatness God has set before me, hello to the happiness and love yet to come, and hello to the work God is doing within me to help strengthen His kingdom.  To August, until we meet again, but just know next time around I will be much stronger, much kinder, and filled with even more God and love.  Smooches!!!

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