Sunday, October 23, 2016

As the Sun Sets

There's something about a fall evening, that time when the sun begins to set, peaking through the trees with leaves beginning to change colors, that compares to no other.  But this Fall Sunday evening felt different and brought a while new light to a Fall sunset.  As I mourn two family members that passed within less than 24 hours between each other, through this fall sunset God reminded me that He got me.  God has a plan for us all, sometimes it may not seem like it, especially when you are losing those you love back to back, but God will use the simplest thing to remind us all of His greatness.  In this sunset I found calmness that only God can provide, joy in knowing that although I miss and will miss my family forever, they are no longer suffering and are now in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and love, that unconditional love that brings about reassurance that everything is going to be alright.
 As I drove down the street and tears began to form in my eyes, tears of joy, all I could do was thank God in that moment for all that He has down for me, thank Him for blessing me with the great individuals He has placed in my life, and thank Him for simply being God and God alone.  A lot of people look at the sunset as day turning to night, light turning to darkness, but in that moment I saw the sunset as my mourning turning into gladness, my wearied spirit turning into a calm spirit.  That sunset became a boost of hope and a boost of confidence.  There is one thing for certain, light and darkness can not dwell in the same place and although the sun, the physical source of light was beginning to set, I know of a SON, a source of light, a spiritual light that will never set! God is light, an unconditional source of light that will light up every dark place within you and your life.  And although at that moment I was heading into a time of darkness, I can be confident in knowing that during the night, during this time of darkness, God, the true source of light, would be right there with me, lighting up the night and watching over me.  I must keep pressing, hold on to my faith and know that although the sun may be setting, the light will always shine.  I can't be afraid of the darkness, can't be afraid of what's to come, afraid that the pain will never go away because in that night time, unlike the sun that is only with you at certain times, there is a son that is with you always.  Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always with us, shining light in that darkness, shining light so bright the darkness is unrecognizable.  As the sunset, remain clam because God is with you in the day and in the night, in the light and in the dark in the good and in the bad.  God will always be there for you, shining His light in all of our situations.

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