Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life's Angels: Janet

Every now and then we meet individuals that will bring tears to your eyes and make you feel horrible for all the complaining you've done in life.

Meet Ms. Janet... 

Ms. Janet is a cancer survivor who will tell you right off bat by the grace of God I'm standing here today.  Off of first impressions if you can tell that something is wrong with Ms. Janet, her speech is very slow, she sometimes get hung up on words, and gets irritated really easily which sometimes leads to crying.  It's not until you talk to Janet and get to know her that you find out her life story.

Ms. Janet found out two years ago that she has a brain tumor.  After surgery, extensive chemotherapy and radiation Ms. Janet can now stand here and say that she his cancer free and so happy to be alive.  She will tell you that she should not be standing here today and that she is so happy that she is still alive.  Ms. Janet has recently had the ability to see her first grandchild born and will soon witness her son walk the aisle, two things she says that she would not have been able to witness without God's mercy.

Meeting Ms. Janet was truly very touching and humbling and it has taught me to never take life for grant, have faith in God and he will get you through every obstacle.  Be thankful for life for you never know what day will be your last or if you will make it to see such wonderful joys in this world.  Never take anything for granted.

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